Our Preschool

Who is Eligible for Preschool in 2022?

Children who turn 4 on or before 30 April 2022, have access to 15 hours of Preschool per week. Please refer to the enrolment policy at https://www.education.act.gov.au/

Priority Enrolment Area 2022(PEA)

The PEA for Ngunnawal Primary School is Ngunnawal.

Please contact the school for further information on 6142 1500.

When/Where and How Do I enrol for 2022?

The enrolment form is be available at https://www.education.act.gov.au/school_education/enrolling_in_an_act_public_school

Please call the school on 6142 1500 if you have further queries.

Our Preschool

Ngunnawal Preschool is a large preschool and children are placed into one of six groups. The preschool shares the playground area with Ngunnawal Early Childhood Centre that is managed by Communities at Work. The preschool has a current enrolment capacity of 132. The 132 children are placed in classes with a maximum enrolment of 22 in each.

A Koori Pre-program is also run on the preschool site. The program is developmentally and culturally appropriate. Play based learning is essential to support children across all areas of development. In particular the program focuses on the development or Standard Australian English literacy and numeracy skills and children's capacity to engage with school. Staff within the program provide a safe culturally inclusive environment for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Our educators work collaboratively to plan experiences for the children using the Early Years Learning Framework to guide the intentional and incidental learning for the children in each group. The preschool children are part of the wider Ngunnawal Primary School community and are involved in a number of opportunities to visit our main site, such as visiting the school library each week and attending school assemblies from semester two.

Ngunnawal Preschool is an allergy friendly school. This is to provide protection to those students who have severe allergic reaction to egg and nut products. Parents are asked to provide a snack that is nut and egg free for their child's morning tea and lunch. This includes Nutella, peanut butter and egg sandwiches.

Our Philosophy

Voluntary Contributions:

The voluntary contribution for 2022 is $120 for the year.

Parent Involvement

We highly value parental involvement at our school. There are many ways in which you can support your child's education at the preschool.

  • Offering to help out in your child's class on a regular basis
  • Attending excursions
  • Joining the School's P & C or School Board
  • Sharing any special skills, interests or culture in the preschool. We would love to have you!